PA Plastic Surgery Center

Breast Lift


A breast lift or mastopexy can be very helpful in restoring the breast back to its original shape and position. The outcome of this surgery depends on precise measurements and meticulous breast tissues rearrangement. Double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul Warner Papillion takes a special interest in precision procedures. His technical abilities are key for achieving a long-lasting, great outcome.

Below the quick facts, Dr. Papillion has answered the key questions you need to know about breast lift. Keep reading to learn more!

Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

Patients who want to improve the shape, perkiness, and/or symmetry of their breasts can be the perfect candidates for a breast lift. Patients must be in good health and should also have realistic expectations.

For patients who recently underwent surgical procedures, it will be necessary to completely recover before coming in for mastopexy. Patients who are planning on losing a significant amount of weight can benefit more from the procedure after their target has been reached.

Non-smokers are ideal candidates for mastopexy surgery. This is because smoking can negatively impact the health of the skin, leading to a prolonged recovery process.

Your consultation

Patients in need of a breast lift must schedule a consultation in order to learn more about the procedure. This will help them understand what the surgery involves and if it will help them achieve their goals. During the consultation, there will be questions regarding the patient’s expectations and their medical history.

While these discussions are taking place, patients will also be able to ask their own questions and bring up their concerns. Anything to do with the procedure, from preparations to the cost, can be brought up.

Breast Lift Before & After Photos
Breast Lift Before & After Photos

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Quick Facts:

Breast lift

Cost: 7300-9300
Downtime: 7-10 days
Pain Scale 1-10: 5
Also known as: Mastopexy, Pexy, Lift,

I had considered two doctors (including Dr. Papillion) for my surgery. The other one was voted toast in Nashville but I really felt like Dr. Papillion’s work was better in his photos. I wasn’t wrong. He did a fantastic job and was great about answering any questions I had with a lot of patience. I would absolutely recommend him to anyone considering a breast lift.


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What kind of incision or lift pattern do I need?

Breast LiftThere are several “incision” types for breast lifts. I perform all of them, in the right scenario. The most important aspect of having a good result is the doctor knowing what incision pattern to use in each case. Poor results occur when doctors choose a pattern that doesn’t match the goals of the surgery. Sometimes they often can offer a “small scar” and it seems appealing, but in the long run, you can risk a poor outcome a few months after surgery. Most incisions heal well, and the scar pattern, in my opinion, is secondary to the breast shape outcome in the final result. In other words, I would rather give you the very best breast shape and appearance with a slightly larger scar, than give you a tiny scar and have a poor breast shape and appearance. The overall look of the breast is more important than the length of the scar.

There are 3 main scar patterns: A donut or periareolar scar, a lollipop or periareolar with a vertical component, and an anchor or wise pattern, which is the most common type. All three have their place in surgery, as I do all of them, but the smaller the scar pattern, the more limitations I have to adjust the breast shape and lift. You will need an exam to determine which would work best for you. In general, the more ptosis or sagging you have, the larger lift pattern you will need.

What is the scar going to look like?

This is the most common question and concern for most patients.

Generally speaking, most people heal very well after a breast augmentation and breast lift. The scars initially have some pink or red pigment, and slowly fade to a white color over the course of a year.

What does the day of surgery look like?

Typically starting at midnight the night prior to your surgery, you will stop eating and drinking all food and liquids. You can brush your teeth the next morning, and take any approved medications with a sip of water, but that is it. You will arrive at the surgery center about 2 hours before your scheduled time. You will be checked in and prepped for surgery. I will see you before surgery, reviewing your procedure, size, and mark your breasts. After we confirm everything, you will be taken back to surgery. The breast lift takes about 2.5 hours. After surgery, a nurse will take you to the recovery room where you will fully awake over the course of 30-45 minutes. After this, you will get dressed and head home. You will have a sports bra and dressings covering your incisions. The rest of the day is spent with minimal activity and pain control as needed.

What does recovery look like?

The first few days you can expect swelling and discomfort. How much discomfort you have depends on how much of a lift you need. Most patients have a reasonable amount of discomfort controlled with the pain medication. You can walk around as much as you like. Activities of daily living, such as eating, showering, making small meals are perfectly fine to do and encouraged. You do not need to drive while on pain medication. You will see me in the office about 5 days after surgery. At this visit, we check everything and update your activity limitations. After this visit, you can typically return to desk-type work activity, driving, and small activities. At 3 weeks post-op, I allow you to get your heart rate and blood pressure up. You can return to lower body workouts, fast walking, progression to jogging, and other more physical activities. Your activities progress, as you feel better. At 3 months, you have no restrictions.

Breast LiftBreast lift Nashville

These were some of the most common questions discussed during a consultation. A personalized consultation is best for hearing and learning about breast lift firsthand. Dr. Papillion is truly amazing at his job and you won’t be disappointed in your decision to see him. Schedule your consultation today! We can’t wait to meet you!

Contact us today!

If you’d like to learn more about getting a breast lift in Nashville, schedule your consultation today! We can’t wait to meet you!