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The facial profile is a very important feature of facial aesthetics. Having a small or recessive chin can drastically change your overall appearance. Balance of the face is ideal when you have good alignment of your forehead, nose, and chin. Move any of these too far forward or back, and it changes the overall appearance drastically. While a chin reduction is needed from time to time, a chin augmentation is needed more often. Sometimes small adjustments with filler is all you need to strengthen the chin, on occasion surgery may be needed to give a more permanent and powerful result. Dr. Paul Warner Papillion, double board certified plastic surgeon, has years of experience with chin augmentations of all types. During your consultation, Dr. Papillion will perform a facial analysis, take photos, and morph the photos so you can see your expected result before any procedure. We promise your consultation will be informative and well worth the time!
Below the quick facts, Dr. Papillion has answered some of the key questions you may have about chin augmentation. Keep reading to learn more!
Quick facts:
Chin Augmentation
Cost: 4500-6500
Downtime: 3 days
Pain Scale: 5
Also known as: Chin implant, chin filler, chin enhancement, chin advancement
How do I know what will look best on me?
During our consultation we will talk about your goals. Oftentimes, patients have taken photos of themselves and already know what they do not like. Based on your desires, we can take additional photos and morph them in the office to see what adjustments to your chin will look like. After this, we can talk about which method of chin augmentation will be best for you.
Actual Before and After Case Study of Chin Augmentation with Liposuction
What kinds of chin augmentation are there?
There are several options for chin augmentation. I perform most of these. The most common method is placing a small silicone implant to improve chin contour. Other options: a mesh implant, a ridged plastic like implant, using fat grafting, using filler, cutting and advancing the bone itself. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Not one procedure is for everyone.
If you use a silicone implant, do you make the incision on the inside or outside of my mouth?
I prefer a small incision just under your chin. It typically heals very well, It is the cleanest approach “avoids the mouth”, and I feel that the long term position of the implant is maintained better using this incision.
What if I am not sure if I want an implant?
For my patients who may not be ready for an implant, I recommend using filler. With filler, you can get a sense of the appearance and change before committing to something more permanent.
Does it feel normal?
My patients tell me that once everything heals, it feels normal.
View Chin Augmentation Post-Operative Instructions
Patient Journey Through Nose Surgery and Chin Augmentation
Chin Augmentation Nashville Tennessee
These are a few of the most commonly answered questions about chin augmentation. Schedule your consultation today with Dr. Paul Papillion to have a discussion about what options may be best for you. We can’t wait to see you!