PA Plastic Surgery Center

Breast Implant Removal


For many patients, there will come a time when they are ready to have their implants removed. Breast implant removal or explant, can range from a very simple procedure with minimal downtime, to a much larger procedure if other surgeries need to be performed. Dr Papillion is highly experienced in all aspects of breast implant removal and secondary procedures to assist with the restoration of breast feel, function, and appearance. Continue reading below for more details on breast implant removal.

Breast Implant Removal Before & After Photos
Breast Implant Removal Before & After Photos

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Quick Facts:

Breast Implant Removal

Cost: 1500-4500
Downtime: 1-3 days
Pain Scale 1-10: 1-2
Also known as: Explant, Implant Removal

Dr Papillion is one of the greatest MDs that I have met in my 25+ years of nursing. My surgical outcome was fabulous; I am extremely pleased with the results. I would highly recommend him to anyone considering and plastic surgery!! He is a great person and a wonderful surgeon. Had an implant to start leaking, decided to have them removed and a breast lift after consultation and options this is what I decided best fit my desires and I am extremely pleased with my outcomes. My breast are now perky and young looking. Would make the same decision again. His office staff are extremely polite and professional.

by ST

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What are the options when removing a breast implant?

Removal of breast implants can range from simple incision and removal in the office to removal of the breast capsule, implant, combined with fat grafting and or breast lift in the operating room. There could be other options or combinations of procedures that may be warranted depending on your needs.

How do I know what I need?

What type of surgery you need depends on several things. First, the circumstances that you are requiring implant removal. Second, the current look of your breast tissue and overall anatomy. Third, your goals. A detailed consultation will give you the answer.

What is enblock capsulectomy or enblock explant and do you perform these?

Enblock implant removal is when the breast capsule and the breast implant are removed in one solid piece. This ensures you are removing the entirety of the breast capsule and off of the implant and its surroundings. Yes, I perform this operation and have for years.

These were a few questions discussing breast implant removal by double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Warner Papillion. To learn more about your best options, schedule a consultation today!

Who is a Candidate for Implant Removal?

Anyone who has breast implants in place is generally a candidate for breast implant removal. Your desires and goals for your breast appearance and health are the biggest deciding factors for when it comes time to consider implant removal.

Your Consultation

Dr. Papillion will discuss your expectations and goals during your consultation. He will ask you about your physical health, existing conditions, allergies, and medications. He will perform an examination and then discuss the treatment options available to you. If you have any questions, this is the best time to ask Dr. Papillion.

What to Expect During Implant Removal Surgery

Your explant surgery may take place in Dr. Papillion’s clinic or in the operating room depending on the selected procedure. Typically, the original incisions are used so that new ones are not created. The implant with or without the capsule will be removed
based on the need and desires of the patient.

Once the implants and scar tissue have been removed, Dr. Papillion will close the incisions with dissolvable sutures.

Recovery After the Implant Removal Procedure

Following surgery, you will have dressings and possibly drains. You may need to wear compression garments or a support bra to help with healing.

You will be booked for a follow-up with Dr. Papillion after several days to check on the healing process. It could take a few days or a few weeks to fully recover and go back to your normal activities depending on the procedure performed to remove the implant.

How Much Does Implant Removal Surgery Cost?

Since this is an individualized treatment plan, the total cost of your surgery depends on your needs and the extent of work that needs to be done. Dr. Papillion can provide you with the price during your initial consultation.

Contact Us to Learn More

Explore your surgical options and find out if you are eligible for implant removal in Nashville. Call today to schedule a consultation.