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Q: Are Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift Surgeries Similar?
A: Breast augmentation enhances the size and projection of your breasts, whereas a breast lift is performed to reduce sagging and improve perkiness.
Q: What Is Better—Silicone or Saline Implants?
A: Depending on your preferences and goals, the best implant type, size, and shape for you will be recommended during your consultation.
Q: What Is the Difference Between Saline and Silicone Implants?
A: Aside from the material contained within the implant (silicone gel or a saline solution), there is a difference in the absorbability of the material in the event of a rupture or leakage. Saline is easily absorbed by the body, while silicone will not be absorbed and will require eventual removal.
Q: What Should I Consider When Choosing Implants?
A: Take into consideration the overall appearance, size, and feel of your desired breasts. Your doctor will help you choose the size, type, shape, texture, and profile of your implants.
Q: What Are the Available Volumes of Implants?
A: The size of breast implants can range from 180cc to 800cc.
Q: Will Breast Implants Improve My Sagging Breasts?
A: While implants can increase your breast size, they are not recommended for correction of ptosis, or sagging. A breast lift surgery is the ideal method of reducing drooping of the breasts.
Q: Do Implants Last a Lifetime?
A: Breast implant devices can last a very long time. The general recommendation is to have them replaced every 10 years.
Q: Can I Breastfeed After Having Breast Implant Surgery?
A: Yes, patients can breastfeed after a breast augmentation procedure.
Q: Will the Scars Be Visible?
A: Breast augmentation incisions are created in inconspicuous areas, and over time, the scars will fade and become less visible.
Q: How Long Should I Wear Compression Garments?
A: You may be recommended to wear a surgical bra for one week after surgery.
Q: When Can I Get Back to Work?
A: Most of the time, patients can return to desk jobs after a week.
Q: When Can I Go Back to the Gym?
A: You can go back to exercising around three weeks after surgery.
Q: Am I Required to Undergo Regular Mammogram Screenings?
A: You will need to follow standard breast screening guidelines based on your age.
Q: Can Breast Augmentation Be Reversed?
A: Yes, you can undergo breast implant removal surgery to remove the implants.
Q: Will There Be Pain During the Procedure?
A: The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so you will feel no pain during the procedure.
Q: When Can I See the Final Results?
A: The final results can only be observed after the implants have settled, which takes around six to 12 weeks.
Q: When Can I Fly After My Breast Enlargement Surgery?
A: Depending on your recovery and healing, airplane travel may be possible one week after your surgery.
Q: What Is the Ideal Age for Breast Augmentation?
A: There is no single ideal age for breast augmentation.