PA Plastic Surgery Center

Labia Reduction & Labiaplasty Post-Operative Instructions


Apply Bacitracin antibiotic ointment or a topical triple antibiotic ointment to the suture lines for 10 days.

Place a piece of gauze between your labia.

You may place cold compresses in the area for comfort.

Wear cotton undergarments and avoid any undergarment that is tight or irritating.

Relax and rest for one to two days following your procedure. Avoid excessive walking, sitting for prolonged periods of time, and unnecessary exertion. You will recover quicker and easier if you take it easy for these days immediately post-op.

Avoid exercise (no running, heavy lifting, straining, etc.) for 3 weeks. Avoid straddle activities like cycling, horseback riding for at least four weeks.

Refrain from sexual activity for four weeks.

You may take the narcotic medication as prescribed for discomfort or you may take over-the-counter Tylenol as directed. Do not take your pain medication on an empty stomach. Have a light snack, such as crackers, about 30 minutes before you take your medication. Do not take any aspirin or ibuprofen products for two weeks following the procedure.

You may shower the day after surgery – pat your labia dry, do not rub. Do not take a bath or go swimming for two weeks.

The incisions were closed with absorbable suture. This suture dissolves on its own and does not need to be removed.

Call for major swelling or if one side looks much more swollen than the other.