PA Plastic Surgery Center

Gynecomastia Post-Operative Instructions



You will have chest compression garment on or an ACE wrap. Keep this on unless removing to take a shower. You may shower the day after surgery. Pat your incisions dry and replace any gauze if needed to catch drainage. Return to your compression after showering.

You will see your physician approximately five to seven days following your surgery.

You can expect some drainage on your steri-strips covering your incisions. Maximum discomfort will occur in the first few days after surgery, and most people are up and around in 3-5 days.

You may become constipated due to the pain medications and should begin a stool softener (i.e. Colace) after surgery. If you have gone several days without a bowel movement and are feeling uncomfortable, you may want to consider using a glycerin suppository or Fleet’s enema (available at all drug stores).

You may have mild diffuse swelling and increased pain with getting up and down. Your appetite may be decreased. You may have mild temperature elevation. You may have mid-chest pain.

Numbness and decreased sensation to the nipples and chest skin is normal at first and normally comes back over a few weeks to a few months.


Take frequent short walks to help your circulation and to decrease the risk of blood clot formation in the legs. Walking also helps your breathing. Take frequent deep breaths. Drink abundant clear fluids. You may eat solids if you are hungry – light fare at first.

Do not take your pain medications on an empty stomach. Eat a light snack, such as crackers, about 30 minutes before you take your medication.

Refrain from sleeping on your stomach. Sleep slightly elevated on your back until your first postop appointment unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

Do not drive or operate machinery while you are taking your narcotic pain medication. If you are still taking narcotics by the time of your first postop appointment, then have someone drive you to your appointment.

Do not use this time to catch up on chores. It is important to rest during the first week, as this is when most of the healing is done.


No heavy lifting (>25 lbs), vigorous activity, or straining for three weeks.
No tub bathing until cleared by your physician
No use of heating pads.
Do not apply ice directly to skin, as you may still have numbness to areas.


If you develop severe shortness of breath or chest pain – call 911, then notify physician.
If you run a fever, or have chills – call our office.
If you have markedly increased pain, bruising, swelling or bloody drainage– call our office.
If you develop leg swelling or pain – call our office.
If you have persistent nausea or vomiting – call our office.
If you are uncertain about a medication or treatment – call our office.
If you are experiencing any adverse symptoms or changes that you do not understand – call our office.