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Chin Liposuction Post-Operative Instructions



You will see your physician approximately five to seven days following your surgery.

You will have a chin band in place holding pressure to the liposuctioned area. The chin band should be snug and comfortable, but not too tight. If the strap feels to tight, loosen it. It is fine to take the strap off for a short time to eat, take a shower, wash your face or if you just need a short break. The wrap should be worn continuously for 3 days, and then at night for and additional 7 days. You may temporarily remove the wrap to shower after the first day. This wrap will compress your skin, help minimize bruising, and control drainage. You should keep your head in a neutral position for the first 24 hours. Try to not bend the head down to look at cell phones or activities until after the first 24 hours. This helps to make sure the area heals correctly.

You will experience some discomfort after liposuction, however, it should be relieved by pain medication. It is common to experience a small amount of bloody drainage from incision sites the first few days.

You should be ready to return to work when you no longer need to take narcotic pain medication – generally in a couple days. You may return to regular exercise in two weeks.

You will experience bruising and swelling along the neck and upper chest. You might find that due to swelling, the sites appear larger than before. Swelling normally begins to decrease around the third or fourth day, with continued improvement for several weeks.

Do not use ice or cold packs as you will have residual numbness and this can harm the skin and will not help with swelling or healing.

You may become constipated due to the pain medications and can begin a stool softener (i.e. Colace) after surgery. If you have gone several days without a bowel movement and are feeling uncomfortable, you may want to consider using a glycerin suppository or Fleet’s enema (available at all drug stores).


Try to sleep with your head elevated above your heart for the first 3-4 days. This can be done by placing pillows behind your back and head to provide gentle elevation. Drink plenty of clear fluids.

Do not drive or operate machinery while you are taking your narcotic pain medication. If you are still taking narcotics by the time of your first postop appointment, then have someone drive you to your appointment.

Severe pain or swelling, particularly if much greater on one side, could be a sign of a problem. Please call us if this occurs.

Make-up can be worn (except over the incisions) in 3-5 days.


If you develop severe shortness of breath or chest pain – call 911, then notify your physician
If you run a fever or have chills – call our office.
If you have markedly increased pain, bruising, swelling or bloody drainage– call our office.
If you develop leg swelling or pain – call our office.
If you have persistent nausea or vomiting – call our office.
If you are uncertain about a medication or treatment – call our office.
If you are experiencing any adverse symptoms or changes that you do not understand – call our office.