PA Plastic Surgery Center

Buttock Lift Post-Operative Instructions



Immediate tightness of the skin. Mild diffuse swelling. General soreness to moderate pain. Increased pain with getting up and down. You may have bulb drains – they should have watery pink to red drainage. Your appetite may be decreased.


Take frequent short walks to help your circulation and to decrease the risk of blood clot formation in the legs. Walking also helps your breathing. Take frequent deep breaths.

Try to lay on your stomach or sides when resting, This will take pressure off of your wound. It is ok to sit when needed.

Drink abundant clear fluids. You may eat solids if you are hungry – light fare at first. Do not take your pain medication on an empty stomach. Eat a light snack, such as crackers, about 30 minutes before your take your medication. Pain medication and general anesthesia can cause constipation. It is helpful to start on a stool softener, such as Colace, a few days before surgery. If constipation is a problem after surgery, you may take a glycerin suppository or Fleet enema.

If you have drains, keep track of the drainage by charting the volume; empty and compress bulbs after recording volume. Apply antibiotic ointment to the drain skin exit sites three times daily (Polysporin, Neosporin, or Bacitracin).

Wear the compression wraps or support hose until seen by physician

You may reinforce the dressings if there is drainage from the wounds. You may have a compression garment on after surgery to help keep the dressings in place and to hold general compression to the area.


No heavy lifting (>25 lbs), vigorous activity, or straining for three weeks.
No tub bathing until cleared by Physician
No use of heating pads.


If you develop severe shortness of breath or chest pain – call 911, then notify physician.
If you run a fever or have chills – call our office.
If you have markedly increased pain, bruising, swelling or bloody drainage– call our office.
If you develop leg swelling or pain – call our office.
If you have persistent nausea or vomiting – call our office.
If you are uncertain about a medication or treatment – call our office.
If you are experiencing any adverse symptoms or changes that you do not understand – call our office.