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Tummy Tuck


Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a very powerful body contouring procedure. The main goals of abdominoplasty are to restore shape and function to the abdominal core. This procedure is one of the more invasive cosmetic procedures performed with a higher overall risk level. Your selection of a highly qualified and skilled surgeon is a must when approaching higher-risk surgeries. Dr. Papillion is board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as general surgery. Dr. Papillion is well equipped to provide you with amazing results in the safest manner possible.

Below the quick facts, Dr. Papillion has answered the key questions you need to know about abdominoplasty. Keep reading to learn more!

Quick Facts:


Cost: 10500-12500
Downtime: 8-14 days
Pain Scale 1-10: 6-8
Also known as: Tummy Tuck, Mommy Makeover, Mini-Tummy Tuck

When I decided to get my mini-tuck I visited a few plastic surgeons in Nashville and never had a good first impression or felt comfortable with them. My quest to find a plastic surgeon was coming to an end and I almost gave up until I found Dr. Paul Papillion. My initial visit with him was perfect. He was such a down-to-earth guy and I immediately felt comfortable with him which was one of my expectations. I couldn’t have found a more professional and caring physician. The day of surgery he was so reassuring and made me feel right at home, despite me really being scared to death. (It was my first time under general anesthesia). After my surgery was complete he was right there and again was the most professional person I could have asked for. My follow-up visits with him were just as great as the first. He makes you feel so relaxed and so at ease. Now let’s talk about my results and recovery. If you would ask me would I do it again, my answer would be YES 100 times over and over! I could not have asked for better results!!!!! I work in the medical field and I have a background as a nurse Practioner, so I feel that I can say Dr. Papillion is the real deal. I would 100% recommend him to anyone looking for plastic surgery.

by MS

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Do you repair the muscles or diastasis?

Yes, repair of any muscle separation is a standard part of abdominoplasty. A rectus diastasis is when the connective tissues that hold the muscle together separate. This occurs mostly with the process of pregnancy. Repair of the separation can give more shape and contour to the abdomen and realign the muscle of your abdomen.

diastasis stock illustration

How is an abdominoplasty performed?

The basic steps of abdominoplasty are very straightforward. Once you are safely anesthetized under general anesthesia, the abdomen is cleaned sterilely and covered with sterile drapes. After this, a lower abdominal incision is made. The loose abdominal skin is raised up to expose the abdominal muscles. If the abdominal muscles have any separation, they are repaired with sutures. After muscle repair, the loose abdominal skin is pulled in a downward fashion to estimate how much skin is to be removed. The skin is marked and trimmed away. The lower abdominal incision is then closed with sutures.

Do you have drains?

I use drains commonly in abdominoplasty. When you lift up the loose abdominal skin and then close the lower incision, you create a space under the skin where fluid can accumulate. This fluid, if not drained, will collect and oftentimes form a capsule around the fluid, where it can remain trapped for a prolonged time period. The drains are there to prevent the buildup of fluid and to allow the abdominal skin to heal back to the muscles.

Do you perform drainless abdominoplasty?

Yes, I do perform drainless abdominoplasty, but I prefer not to. When you perform drainless abdominoplasty, you must place many more sutures to attach the abdominal skin back down to the abdominal wall. The extra sutures take more time to heal, you often have dimpling of the skin, and the more suture and suturing, the higher risk for infection sites and bleeding sites. And even with all the sutures, you can still collect fluid requiring draining of abdominal fluid in the end. So, yes I do this procedure when desired, but I prefer to use drains when possible.

Is liposuction done at the same time as Abdominoplasty?

Liposuction can be done at the same time as the abdominoplasty. Liposuction is often used to help shape the hip and flank regions to give an improvement in contour to those regions. The combination of an abdominoplasty and trunk liposuction often combine to give an enhanced shape of your core.

Abdominoplasty Before & After Results
Abdominoplasty combined with hip and flank liposuction.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty Before & After Results
Abdominoplasty Before & After Results


Abdominoplasty Before & After Results
Abdominoplasty Before & After Results

What does recovery look like?

Immediately after surgery, you will wake up in the recovery room. You will be sitting in a flexed position slightly bent at the waist. This flexed position is to help with comfort as your abdomen will feel a little tight for the first few days. You should walk slightly bent over at the waist for 2-3 days until your abdomen feels more relaxed, then you can walk upright as tolerated. The first night, it can be helpful to sleep in a recliner, or propped up on several pillows in bed and under your knees as this flexed position will be maintained. You will need to get up and walk around the house for a few minutes every hour when awake. This movement is good for recovery as it allows you to take deep breaths and helps with good blood flow and circulation to your legs. The first few days are spent with light walking and conservative movements. Your pain will slowly decrease over the course of a week. You typically see me about 5-7 days after surgery. At this time, I will check everything to make sure you are healing well and most likely remove one or both of your drains. Patients typically return to desk-type work activity around 2 weeks after surgery. At 3-4 weeks after surgery, you can usually increase your walking and movement activity to a faster pace, depending on how you are healing. Your activity level beyond this time period depends on how you are healing and progressing overall.

View Abdominoplasty Post-Operative Instructions

Abdominoplasty in Nashville Tennessee

These were some of the most common questions pertaining to Abdominoplasty “Tummy Tuck”. Every patient is different, and a customized consultation will be best to hear specifically what will be your best options for optimal abdominal contouring. Schedule your consultation today! We can’t wait to meet you!